The Craft of Relationships Course

Learn a better way to communicate, resolve conflict, repair and connect with your partner

The Craft of Relationship program is about sharing with you the knowledge, practical tools and skills that will help transform your relationship, improve how you communicate, reduce tension and conflict and improve connection.

Course Information

What you will gain from the course:

A Practical Course that will help you: 

  • Learn how to communicate better with your partner
  • Learn how to reduce conflict and tension quicker
  • Learn how to quickly repair your relationship after conflict
  • Learn how to manage your triggers and emotions
  • Learn how to communicate your emotions better 
  • Learn how to improve intimacy

Why you would need this course:

All relationships go through periods of tension, conflict and uncertainty. If you are currently experiencing (or have in the past) any of these situations then these resources and sessions are right for you.

  • To many arguments, conflict and tension
  • Difficulty communicating and working out issues
  • Difficulty connecting with your partner 
  • Tired of trying to fix things when it just making things worse
  • Getting told that you do not listen, support or understand them
  • Confused on how to make things better
  • Unsure how to repair and get the relationship back
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About the instructor

The Craft of Relationships Course – one time payment

1 year of access

Learn a better way to communicate, resolve conflict, repair and connect with your partner.